Covid-19 Updates
Below is a list of the most recent Covid-19 Updates from Morgan Senior Living. If you have any questions about our policies or procedures please call (585) 243-6000 or contact us.
All resident representatives please watch for emails on Monday from us regarding designated visitors for each resident. We will provide all guidance from the NYS DOH.
We have received guidance from the Department of Health: Updated Adult Care Facility Visitation and Clarified Quarantine Requirements.
We are extremely happy to announce that we have finally received word from the NYS Dept. of Health that we are able to do indoor visitation. We have created an appointment scheduler online that is very user friendly.
We will be setting up virtual visits in the near future. These visits will be scheduled just like the outdoor visits. There will be specific times, where we will have the resident available to virtually visit in a common area, with staff assisting the resident with set up.
Please continue to call the receptionist 9am-4pm to make reservations for visitation. We have added some Saturday times and Wednesday evenings for those that may need to come at a different time. We will continue to do the best we can with visitation.
We will have set visitation hours and visits can only occur by making a reservation Monday-Friday with Karen or Michelle. There will be NO “Stopping” by visits. We will be limiting residents to visits every other week so all families and residents have a chance to have visits. So PLEASE please communicate with your other family members to coordinate. You may call the day of after 9:30am to see if there are any time slots open.
Hi Everyone! We are hope you are all staying healthy! We are happy to report we remain COVID free with both residents and staff. We are continuing all of our staff screenings prior to their shifts and monitoring them throughout their shifts.
Emergency Response Plan for any positive cases:
We want you all to know that we have planned for a worst case scenario if one of our residents does test positive with COVID19. Our hope is that we never have to execute this plan, but do want you all to know that we have one in place to care for all of the residents in this situation.
Good Afternoon! Just checking in with all of you. We very happy to report that all of our residents remain healthy! Administration and staff are working extremely hard to follow all DOH guidelines on protecting themselves and the residents to keep this nasty virus out of our facility. We continue to monitor all residents daily for any possible symptoms that could result in the virus.
Just wanted to check in before the weekend! All residents remain healthy! Which is all we hope for every day! Which also means are staff is doing a fantastic job following all of the safety protocols by DOH and our facility!
Happy Spring! It feels a little weird saying that as everyone is experiencing such a crazy time. We just wanted to check in and let you know that we are happy to report that the residents are doing wonderfully despite the circumstances.