Covid-19 Fall Update

Hello All!
We hope this letter finds you healthy and enjoying fall. We are carefully considering and weighing all options regarding indoor visits. I know you are all eager to know when they will begin, however our team is consulting with professionals and our local DOH for recommendations and guidance. A lot has changed in the COVID world over the last couple weeks in our area and around the country and we do not want to rush into something that puts the residents at any risk. We know that you are eager to see your family members and we understand your frustration in being separated, I promise we are working day in and day out to make the best possible decisions for their safety and well-being. We appreciate your patience and we will let you know ALL of the details and how we will or won’t proceed after very careful consideration.
We will send out a separate mailing very soon with all visitation details, as well as other news happenings and plans over the next few months.
Thank you for all your support as we continue to navigate through uncharted territory


Jennifer Perelli

We will post any updates here on Covid19 affecting our facility. Please know all residents are healthy and safe and our staff is working tirelessly to keep them that way. We will continue to remain closed to all visitors at this time. Thank you for your support understanding and cooperation during this time. We are committed to providing the best care to our residents! Thank you!

Archer Communications

For over 35 years, Archer Communications has has proudly provided the Rochester, NY and Finger Lakes Regions with business, sales, marketing, and recruitment support.

Covid-19 Visitation Reservation Update


Covid-19 Visitation Plan