Covid-19 Visitation Plan Discussion


The Morgan Estates Team met this morning to discuss the plan for visitation. All we can safely say at this point is we are working on the plan for visitation this week and we will have a set plan in place by Friday July 17th. Visitation will only be limited to outdoors visits to begin with. We received guidance from the D.O.H. regarding the stipulations in which we must follow, our visitors must follow and everything we must have in place before visits begin. This process takes careful consideration and time, it is not as simple as it sounds from the news.
We will Email, Facebook Post and Publish on our website under the COVID-19 tab, the plan and all the rules and regulations that will need to be followed. Until then we thank you all for being so patient & understanding. We are very busy trying to make sure we have the best plan in place for you and your loved ones. Please stay healthy and look for the postings on Friday July 17th.
Also, remember if you are visiting outside the window that you have a mask on at all times. It is extremely important that we follow these guidelines as our residents are the most vulnerable.

Thank you~ The Morgan Estates Team

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Covid-19 Visitation Plan


Covid-19 Update Visitors Prohibited